San Jose Ocana Auction 2019 result
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산 호세 오카나 옥션이란?
San José Ocaña는 과테말라의
San Juan Sacatepqueque에 위치하고 있는
스페셜티커피 농장입니다.
총 175 헥타르의 넓이로 커피재배에 85 헥타르를 사용하고,
나머지는 임업 및 보전을 위해 이용하고 있습니다.
고도는 해발 1905 ~ 1955 미터이며
평균 강수량은 1년에 1,400 밀리미터인 농장입니다.
이 농장에서 출품된 스페셜티커피를 온라인에서 동시에 라이브로 올리는 옥션이
바로 '산 호세 오카나 옥션'입니다
이 농장도 다양한 시도를 도전하는 점이 인상적입니다
(마치 같은 과테말라의 산타펠리사 농장을 보는거 같습니다)
2019/06/09 - [커피/생두정보 및 커핑] - Santa Felisa 2019 Auction Samples 공개커핑후기 (In 프리즘커피웍스)
Santa Felisa 2019 Auction Samples 공개커핑후기 (In 프리즘커피웍스)
6/8 (토) 프리즘커피웍스에서 2019 Santa Felisa 샘플 공개 커핑이 있어서 참여하게 되었습니다. ( 프리즘이란? <프리즘>은 커피 관련 컨텐츠를 만들면서 크게 두 가지 일을 합니다. 리뷰,..
다양한 프로세싱의 시도!
-추후 간단하게 정리해서 다시 올리겠습니다-
Picked strictly at sugar beet-like color, therefore above 25 brix g.´s, cherries are wet milled in mucilage rich partly recycled water, containing a rich concentration of fructose (coffee pulp sugars), and fermenting bacteria, that highly enhance its aroma, and flavor attributes. From the fermentation tanks, where beans await for 28 to 36 hrs. approx. (After bacteria work for you removing mucilage), it is then taken to washing canal to remove all remains of mucilage with the same water it was de-pulped with. About 75 % of that water will be used again in next batch. Then it is soaked in fresh water from our natural spring, for 2 cycles of 12 hrs., changing it once between said cycles.
It is then sun dried at our patios, slowly for 16 days approx., taken detailed care of covering it with shade cloth at high temperature day hours, day in day out. Until it reaches a perfect 10.5% humidity, it is taken to our resting warehouse, which is a ground floor beneath a wooden building, creating a perfect 20°-21° storage climate.
named after it´s gold ochre parchment color. After wet-milling the same superbly picked dark maroon coffee cherries, all beans still with their sweet mucilage on, are moved away with our fermenting recycled water, directly to the sun drying patios, by means of running them through the canals, carefully avoiding to wash it. Using said water, assures us of not taking sugars and mucilage away. No fermentation is involved, other than what will naturally occur on the parchment skin while getting sun-dried. It will remain there for 18-20 days aprox., taken detailed care of covering it with shade cloth at high temperature day hours, day in day out. Until it reaches a perfect 10.5% humidity. Then, it is also taken to our resting warehouse, which is a ground floor beneath a wooden building, creating a perfect 20°-21° storage climate.
named due to its dark brown parchment color, our 26 Brix or above cherries are taken directly from the pulping machine, to the sun drying patios in wheelbarrows, to avoid any naturally remaining fruit pulp and mucilage wash-off, to get a crisp sun bathe, always taking care of not scorching it during high temp hrs. There, using our innovative shade cloth over our sun drying patios, we carefully move it every ½ hr., for 8 days aprox. Then we take it to our African beds greenhouse, to get slowly dried. All mucilage on the beans, it dries in there for a few days, still absorbing all the fruity sugars, getting on the bean almonds, chocolate, citric, sugary notes, as well as orange, lime, shiny tangerine, and some green apple. Until it reaches a perfect 10.5% humidity, it is taken to our resting warehouse as well, which is a ground floor beneath a wooden building, creating a perfect 20°-21° storage climate.
Our ancient bourbon plants, almost typicas, or closer descendants from them than most nowadays bourbon strains, give yield to the extremely careful picked cherries, brought to 25-26 brix degrees, which are then cautiously spread on our sun drying patios for 20 days, being very carefully moved with a palm leaf to not squeeze the juices. Then, cherries are passed to African beds in our green house. In there they will remain for 10 more days, until they reach 10% humidity, being moved every 1/2 hour.
For some of our customers, this is probably the most exciting preparation of all. We allow the cherries to mature to it´s maximum, and then, still on the tree, we let them start to over ripe just to the point where the skin starts to roughen up. Precisely then, cherries are carefully set on the sun drying patio, caressing them with a palm tree leaf every hour, so that no squeezing occurs, for about 15 days. When they are at a date-like stage, we move them to African beds in the greenhouse. In there, they rest for a few more days, until they are dry. This might take another 15 days.
This our newest addition to our auction. We are featuring this delicious varietal, single lot, prepared out of a separate and unique collection of cherries from yellow bourbon plants, scattered among the whole farm. Using the same ripening criteria as the rest of the our preparation, we carefully ferment the beans separately to remove mucilage, and then we carefully dry it on the patios
가장 높은 가격은
로 파운드당 8.00달러 (1kg당 약 2만정도)
총 189만원 정도가 소요되었습니다.
두 번째로 높은 가격은
로 파운드당 7.40달러 (1kg당 약 1만9천원정도)
총 26만원 정도가 소요되었습니다.
(수확량이 적은 랏이라 총 지출이 얼마되지 않습니다)
커피그래피티, 빈프로젝트, 모노스코프커피에서 낙찰을 받았습니다.
항상 좋은 커피를 들여오기 위해
노력하신 많은 커피업체들에 감사한 마음을 가집니다.
(요새 카페투어를 다니다 보면
제가 7~8년전 카페투어를 다닐때와는
비교도 할 수 없는 좋은 커피들이
다양한 매장에서 판매되고 있다는 것을 느낍니다.
좋은 커피를 들여오기위해 노력하는 업체들 덕분에
소비자인 제가 좋은 커피를
쉽게 접하고 마실 수 있어서
너무 좋고 감사한 마음을 가집니다.
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